Monday, June 16, 2008
Q2. What type of RC car should I get?
Ans. It all depends on what is your main interests. Do you intend to race it? Or, do you want only to have fun in setting up? Many begin from setting up and get into race eventually. For a beginner, RTR verion of car is easier. It doesn't matter if you pick Buggy or On Road car. Setting up could take up a lot of time and could be really frustrated. Some people could just stop at there and never get into the hobby. So, for the first car, perhaps it would be easier for you to get a RTR car. Buggy has its advantage, you can run it anywhere and everywhere. On Road car is like a F1 racing, the pavement of the raceway is important. You need to have a smooth and spacier room for such car racing. Some would race it in parking lot. This is a good option, other than the club raceway. So, if you would like something to play all year round, buggy could be better than on road. However, if you would like something with speed, on road could go really fast.